Situation and requirement

This company is a key player in the events sector and has been providing equipment for its clients, caterers and companies organising events for more than 50 years.
To support its growth and respond to increasing demand, it has made major investments (relocation, recruitment, etc.). As a result, it has generated debt and found itself with an organisation unable to keep up with growth, leading to a deterioration in profitability and demobilisation of the workforce. It also revealed communication difficulties between the commercial, administrative and operational functions.
In a case like this, MLA delivers a clear diagnosis that enables more effective actions with a consistent and relevant economic vision of the company's actual performance and a profitability analysis.

Customer benefits
  • Understanding costs and margins (driving an improvement in profitability)
  • A tailor-made steering tool (for informed decision-making)
  • Teams brought back on-board with greater cohesion (focused on shared values and objectives)
Our approach
  • • Supply chain and operations: warehouse organisation, preparation processes, delivery round management, sales management
  • • Economic steering: budgeting process, analysis of completed budgets, calculation of margins and profitability analysis
  • • Communication and interpersonal relations: discussions with company representatives, understanding the issues, identifying the positives and any sticking points, latent conflicts, etc
  • • Modelling of the company and its value chain: construction of an Activity Based Costing/Activity Based Management type model to analyse profitability and performance
  • • Monthly performance review: developing three management charts (Management, Sales and Operations), analysing the results and devising an improvement action plan
  • • Steering the improvement action plan: overseeing the implementation of actions, measuring the effectiveness of implementation and making adjustments where necessary
  • • Organising mobilisation seminars: creating a shared vision of the company's ambition, identifying the values that unite the organisation and working on behaviours around these values, reclassification of roles and responsibilities
  • • Training on relations between teams
  • • Team coaching and individual coaching
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